Village Capital

Learn to think like an investor

We’ll help you build the tools and connections you need to bring your idea from vision to scale.

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Build a roadmap for scaling your company and raising capital. We'll also let you know about relevant upcoming programs.

Explore our Programs

Learn how you can apply to a Village Capital program

We run the world’s largest accelerator for seed-stage, impact-driven startups, with 1,100 alumni who have gone through our programs. Explore our upcoming programs to find out if you're a good fit.

Learn about peer review

Read about our unique "peer-selected investment" process

Our award-winning process puts the power of investment in the hands of entrepreneurs. Learn more about how it can help you think like an investor.

Download our Talent Playbook

Pick up a pen and explore nine exercises to build your team

Too many entrepreneurs treat hiring as an administrative function rather than a strategic one. Download our playbook for nine exercises that can help you think about hiring for the scale you want to reach

Building a business is hard work. Let us help.

Since 2009 our team at Village Capital has been helping impact-driven entrepreneurs get the capital they need to bring their ideas from vision to scale. We're here to help you connect with investors, build a compelling case for your business, and think through the challenges of growing a team. We're looking forward to helping you help the world.

"Village Capital is our go-to for connections to funders and partners — they have an extensive network and do a fantastic job facilitating introductions to the industry."

Oscar Robles, Founder, ePesosOscar Robles, Founder, ePesos